Saturday, July 7, 2007

Choppy Chop




We love trees! That's why we moved here! But not when they drop their gumnuts and branches on our roof. On a windy night, it creates such a racket, keeping us awake all night. Not only that, but these three trees were so close to the house and so enormous that they prevented the much needed rain hitting a good deal of the roof...which for us without 'town water' translates in real terms like showers and flushing toilets! So they had to go. What an exciting day. The boys from Choppy Chop...yeah, that name is for real ...did an absolutely splendid job. We bought em a carton of beer cos we appreciated their efforts. It wasn't an easy job and they're a brave bunch. Me? I couldn't watch, let alone help. I helped by staying out of the way!
BTW, did you know you can see larger pics? Double click on any of these to see. Esp that 'during' one. You'll see Col the choppy chop guy up there in the tree like Tarzan.

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