Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In honour of Pablo

Meet Pablo, he's the beautiful young Columbian born galactic traveller on the left of this pic just above, staying with Sage (seated next to him) our next door neighbour for many months and during his time there, he became a friend of ours too. He spent many hours helping Curt with the heavy jobs, the harder jobs around the garden mainly, cleaning up elephant grass, pruing trees, carting heavy rubbish. And we'd spend many hours afterwards just talking about life, the universe and everything. I always liked to feed him, thinking that his Mum would have liked that. Pablo also loves to sing, forming a group with some other friends called The Mozzarella. Here he is jamming with Curt and his friend from The Mozzarella.
He left yesterday, he's off exploring new worlds, heading up to Brisbane. We'll miss him.
Hey Pablo, if you happen to check this blog out some time, I've lost the link to your "my space" address, would love to link others to your Mozzarella music!

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